We all know restaurants and stores put those "caution: wet floor" signs out just to cover themselves in case of a lawsuit if someone slips and falls and hurts themselves. Just like probably everyone else, I tend to tune them out because what's a damp floor going to do? We walk over freshly mopped floors and drive during the rain all of the time.
My shoes have no-slip soles so I have even more traction than the "average" person and don't even think twice. And it's true, most of the time there's nothing to worry about... unless oil or grease is involved. When the two mix, it's a slippery combo no matter what you're wearing. Today, someone was mopping the kitchen area at work and greasy surfaces are inevitable. At the same time, I was told to get another container of sweet tea from the fridge. As I was walking back up front with the heavy, odd-sized container, one of my feet slipped and I fell flat on my hip, hit my knee against the side of a deep fryer, slammed my wrist on the edge of the fryer, and spilled four gallons of sugary, sticky McDonalds sweet tea on me.
Ironically, we don't have those caution signs in the work area.
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