28 Eylül 2012 Cuma

Liberal Media Hates Christians But Loves lslam

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Doug Giles - Man, don’t cha love how the Insane Stream Media and their soft-brain disciples make Christians out to be fish-stickered, bug-eyed equals to incensed Islam? If you were to accept what the White House, some atheists and prattling gay activists say about Christians as true, you’d think the Church is chomping at the bit to chop off some heads of unbelievers, glory to Gawd!
Yep, if you were to believe the barf belched out by the BS brokers on the ludicrous Left, you’d stagger away stupid with the belief that there is little disparity between conservative Christians and militant Muslims.
As a matter of fact, you probably would be bamboozled into believing that Islam is a peaceful, Little House on the Prairie religion being temporarily hijacked by Jihadist renegades, and Christianity … Christianity is the real vicious, charity-vacant cult that’s vying for the opportunity to seize the whip and whip us good.
Yes, the Insane Stream Media’s reality stylists are working their butts off trying to convince us TV-addled cattle of two primary things: 1) Violent jihad is not based on the Koran, and 2) All conservative Christians are theocrats ready to burn Elton John at the stake, stone Snooki in a nearby gravel pit and governmentally ramrod Christianity down everyone’s pie hole.
I haven’t seen this kind of ham-fisted, farcical façade foisted upon the public since Michael Jackson tried to make out with Lisa Marie in an attempt to convince us all he’d found true love in an adult of the opposite sex.
Look, there’s no denying violent things have been done by the Church and in the name of God, but that has been the exception and not the rule. In addition, when the Church has spent time with its head up its butt doing bogus things, the Church’s leaders have historically owned it when wrong, have not repeated the gaffe, have grabbed the wheel and have effectively steered saints out of any erroneous, detrimental ditch.
Not so with Islam.
In Robert Spencer’s book, Religion of Peace? Why Christianity Is and Islam Isn’t, Bob shows those who can still be shown anything factual the massive and fundamental differences between Islam and Christianity. They are not equal no matter how much the blatherers of political correctness purport them to be. Their beliefs are not similar, nor their practices, nor their means of spreading their message—and to think otherwise could cost you your ass.
Spencer points out the crystal clear facts that clash with the current anti-Christian hype, such as …
· Most Muslims do not condemn jihad.
· Christianity and Islam have neither similar traditions nor similar modern realities.

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