Today was the first day in the last 6 that I've had more than 2-3 hours in a row to just relax and not do anything productive. Luckily for me, the weather was cooperating and today was a nice, sunny, 75 degree day (24 C for my non-American readers). My girlfriend and I spent a good half hour on the phone talking about how she's having the entire house steam-cleaned and how her mom was driving her crazy. I suggested that we do something together so she could get the heck out of the house. Since we are both broke college students, neither one of us wanted to do anything that involved spending more than $10. After a whole 2 minutes of deliberation, we decided to go to the park by her house.
I picked her up a half hour later and drove the 5 minutes to the park. Now, since it was a beautiful Saturday, the place was bustling with kids and their parents trying to keep an eye on them as the little ones ran all around and played on the equipment. My girl and I found an old piece of equipment, a monkey-bar like structure that stood about 7 feet tall, and climbed to the top and just sat on it talking. It was quite relaxing, really. After about 15 minutes of that, we took turns on the swing set, chased each other around playfully, and ended the day by walking around the track and through the towering trees for a bit before taking the basket out of my car and having a picnic consisting of random snacks we each grabbed from the pantry before we left.
Even though the two of us are clearly too old and too big for the slides and other equipment, we still managed to have loads of fun spending the entire afternoon together. I guess whether you're 10 years old or twice that age, you can still have fun at the local park, even if all you do is chat, act like a kid on the swing set, enjoy the weather, and enjoy the company of someone else.
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