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President Obama's demagoguery and fear-mongering on his sequestercuts are breathtaking, even for him. Lest you think I am engaging inhyperbole, let me give you the dictionary definition of a demagogue.
One definition is "a political leader who seeks support byappealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rationalargument."
Obama's ordinary MO is to stir people against one another, tostoke the flames of envy among some against others in lieu of rationalargument to rally support for his causes.
Obama has had four years to try his ideas. They have all failed,in every category. His stimulus plan to spend nearly $1 trillion ofborrowed money to jump-start the economy was a colossal, unconscionablewaste of money we didn't have and not only didn't work as promised butprobably stalled the private sector's efforts to recover. He remainsdefiantly unrepentant in the face of his repeated reckless green policyfailures.
Liberal economists and ideologues -- in some cases, there's littledifference -- cling fast to the myth that Obama's gutting of the privatesector to chase public money after projects for which there was no demandactually helped the economy. But they can't prove their assertion that theeconomy would have been worse but for the stimulus any more than one canprove a negative. But objective evidence says otherwise: Obama haspresided over the worst recovery in 50 years.
But those who control the writing of history (and the otherdisciplines, such as economics, that have been thoroughly politicized inmodern academia) have an advantage in controlling the present. Liberalacademic revisionists have firmly planted in our history and economictexts the myth that FDR's big-government policies brought us out of theGreat Depression. Only recently have a number of modern historians andauthors set the record straight: His policies exacerbated and prolongedthe Depression. Yet Obama persists in touting his own big-governmentprescriptions, demanding we ignore history and his own record.
Obama has had four years to get the economy moving, and ourextraordinarily high level of unemployment is just as high as it was whenhe took office and, when you consider the record numbers of people leavingthe workforce, is much worse than the numbers indicate. Yet he stillrefuses to accept any responsibility for his own failures.
Obama will not offer any plan to reduce spending, especiallyentitlements. He just keeps going back to his crusade against the rich,from whom he's already extracted a higher tax rate and eliminated personalexemptions and deductions. He promised he wanted a balanced approach, buthe refuses to balance his punitive tax hikes with spending cuts andentitlement reform. Even former Sen. Alan Simpson said that unless Obamagets serious about entitlements, he will have a failed presidency.
But Obama and his Democratic senators will not pass a budget, andthey will not participate in entitlement reform. Instead, Obama is backrailing against the Republicans for their alleged unwillingness to furthertax the rich, whom they have already reluctantly agreed todiscriminatorily tax.
Obama tells us that Republicans are insisting on keeping hisbrainchild -- the sequestration -- in place to avoid further taxing therich. This is the same sequestration he promised to support; he eventhreatened to veto efforts to remove it. Now he complains about itsdraconian cuts -- not about cuts to the military but about cuts to hissacred domestic programs. But in fact, even with the sequester cuts, wewill be spending more in fiscal year 2013 than we have in any other fiscalyear in American history, save 2011. He is simply misleading the publicbecause he wants to further punish the rich -- even if it means holdinghostage our military and accelerating the nation's imminent bankruptcy.
Obama is dreadfully wrong on both sides of the fiscal equation.Economic growth does not depend on government spending, which has theopposite effect because it sucks the wind out of the private sector; andyou balance the budget not by taxing the rich but by drastically cuttingspending and reforming entitlements.
Obama and his ilk mock Republicans for their "trickledown"economics, but Obama is the quintessential proponent of his owntrickledown economics. As to the private sector and entrepreneurship, heis an atheist. He believes that only he and his central planners in theomniscient federal government can cause economic growth and that from thathigh mountain of government largesse will trickle down economic activityfor the ignorant, impotent private sector and the economy at large.
The sequestration, as House Speaker John Boehner has said, is anugly way to cut spending and is not good for our national defense. But ifwe don't start cutting fast (and the sequester is more a reduction in therate of spending increases than it is a cut), we won't have the money tosupport a military at all, much less anything else. Time to stop playinggames with the nation's very viability and our children's future. TheRepublicans must hold to their guns this time.
25 Şubat 2013 Pazartesi
Obama FEMA Corp Recuits Remind Americans Of The Hitler Youth
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Fred Brownbill - The federal government calls them FEMA Corps. But they conjure up memories of the Hitler Youth of 1930’s Germany. Regardless of their name, the Dept of Homeland Security has just graduated its first class of 231 Homeland Youth. Kids, aged 18-24 and recruited from the President’s AmeriCorp volunteers, they represent the first wave of DHS’s youth corps, designed specifically to create a full time, paid, standing army of FEMA Youth across the country.
On September 13, 2012, the Department of Homeland Security graduated its first class of FEMA Corps first-responders. While the idea of having a volunteer force of tens of thousands of volunteers scattered across the country to aid in times of natural disasters sounds great, the details and timing of this new government army is somewhat curious, if not disturbing.
DHS raising an armed army
The first problem one finds with this ‘new army’ is the fact that they are mere children. Yes, 18 is generally the legal age a person can sign a contract, join the military or be tried as an adult. But ask any parent – an 18, 20 or even a 24 year-old is still a naïve, readily-influenced kid.
The second problem with this announcement and program is its timing. Over the past two years, President Obama has signed a number of Executive Orders suspending all civil and Constitutional rights and turning over management of an America under Martial Law to FEMA. Also in that time, domestic federal agencies under DHS, including FEMA, have ordered billions of rounds of ammunition as well as the corresponding firearms. Admittedly, these new weapons and ammunition aren’t to be used in some far-off war or to fight forest fires in California, but right here on the streets of America.
Strange Armored Fighting Vehicles
Individuals around the US have begun reporting the site of strange, new, heavily-armed FEMA fighting vehicles. What would a disaster relief agency like FEMA need with 2,500 brand new GLS armored fighting vehicles? According to the agency’s own mandate, as well as President Obama’s recent Executive Order, the answer is ‘population control’ during a time of Martial Law.
One set of images made available by shows trailer after trailer carrying these new DHS and FEMA armored fighting vehicles, complete with machine gun slots. They’re labeled with the usual backward American flag and the title, ‘Homeland Security’. Below that and the DHS logo, it also reads, ‘Immigration & Customs Enforcement’. Joining those markings, the black vehicles with white lettering also display ‘POLICE/RESCUE’ on one side and ‘Special Response Team’ on the other.

FEMA CorpsFEMA Deputy Administrator Rich Serino gave the keynote address at the ‘Induction Ceremony’ for the inaugural class of FEMA Corps members. According to the DHS website, ‘Corps members assist with disaster preparedness, response, and recovery activities, providing support in areas ranging from working directly with disaster survivors to supporting disaster recovering centers to sharing valuable disaster preparedness and mitigation information with the public.’
Serino describes what the first FEMA Corps class has accomplished so far, as well as where they’ll be going next:
‘Yesterday, we welcomed 231 energetic members into the first ever FEMA Corps class. The members just finished off their first month of training with our partners at the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) and are one step closer to working in the field on disaster response and recovery. They will now head to FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness to spend the next two weeks training in their FEMA position-specific roles. Once they complete both the CNCS and FEMA training, these 231 dedicated FEMA Corps members will be qualified to work in one of a variety of disaster related roles, ranging from Community Relations to Disaster Recovery Center support.’
A standing army
Unlike most local disaster response teams who are volunteers, training periodically and only showing up when there’s a disaster, the FEMA Corps will be a paid, full time, standing army of government youth. FEMA Deputy Administrator Sarino goes on to explain, ‘The new members, who range in age from 18-24 years old, will contribute to a dedicated, trained, and reliable disaster workforce by working full-time for ten months on federal disaster response and recovery efforts.’
In closing his announcement of the first graduating class of FEMA Corps Youth, Sarino describes his and the agency’s vision of the future, one where ‘FEMA Corps sets the foundation for a new generation of emergency managers’.
DHS arms itself
As we detailed in the August 28 Whiteout Press article ‘History of DHS Ammunition Purchases’, federal emergency management agencies are looking more and more like a military army every day.
The federal government’s procurement website actually lists DHS’ requests for bids to supply it with ammunition and military weaponry. All of the orders listed in the above article, including the orders for hundreds of millions of rounds of ammunition, are publicly available at
One look at a chart of DHS ammunition purchases over the past decade reveals a drastic spike in orders of bullets recently, totaling in the billions of rounds. Other charts available online show a similar drastic spike in the purchases of accompanying weaponry by the Department of Homeland Security.
What is the US federal government preparing for? And why does it feel it needs an army of brainwashed youth, millions of guns, thousands of armored fighting vehicles and literally billions of rounds of ammunition, just to provide relief to the American people during a natural disaster? Any historian will tell you it sounds more like the arming of the Hitler Youth than an army of first responders fighting forest fires and hurricanes.
On September 13, 2012, the Department of Homeland Security graduated its first class of FEMA Corps first-responders. While the idea of having a volunteer force of tens of thousands of volunteers scattered across the country to aid in times of natural disasters sounds great, the details and timing of this new government army is somewhat curious, if not disturbing.
DHS raising an armed army
The first problem one finds with this ‘new army’ is the fact that they are mere children. Yes, 18 is generally the legal age a person can sign a contract, join the military or be tried as an adult. But ask any parent – an 18, 20 or even a 24 year-old is still a naïve, readily-influenced kid.
The second problem with this announcement and program is its timing. Over the past two years, President Obama has signed a number of Executive Orders suspending all civil and Constitutional rights and turning over management of an America under Martial Law to FEMA. Also in that time, domestic federal agencies under DHS, including FEMA, have ordered billions of rounds of ammunition as well as the corresponding firearms. Admittedly, these new weapons and ammunition aren’t to be used in some far-off war or to fight forest fires in California, but right here on the streets of America.
Strange Armored Fighting Vehicles
Individuals around the US have begun reporting the site of strange, new, heavily-armed FEMA fighting vehicles. What would a disaster relief agency like FEMA need with 2,500 brand new GLS armored fighting vehicles? According to the agency’s own mandate, as well as President Obama’s recent Executive Order, the answer is ‘population control’ during a time of Martial Law.
One set of images made available by shows trailer after trailer carrying these new DHS and FEMA armored fighting vehicles, complete with machine gun slots. They’re labeled with the usual backward American flag and the title, ‘Homeland Security’. Below that and the DHS logo, it also reads, ‘Immigration & Customs Enforcement’. Joining those markings, the black vehicles with white lettering also display ‘POLICE/RESCUE’ on one side and ‘Special Response Team’ on the other.
FEMA CorpsFEMA Deputy Administrator Rich Serino gave the keynote address at the ‘Induction Ceremony’ for the inaugural class of FEMA Corps members. According to the DHS website, ‘Corps members assist with disaster preparedness, response, and recovery activities, providing support in areas ranging from working directly with disaster survivors to supporting disaster recovering centers to sharing valuable disaster preparedness and mitigation information with the public.’
Serino describes what the first FEMA Corps class has accomplished so far, as well as where they’ll be going next:
‘Yesterday, we welcomed 231 energetic members into the first ever FEMA Corps class. The members just finished off their first month of training with our partners at the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) and are one step closer to working in the field on disaster response and recovery. They will now head to FEMA’s Center for Domestic Preparedness to spend the next two weeks training in their FEMA position-specific roles. Once they complete both the CNCS and FEMA training, these 231 dedicated FEMA Corps members will be qualified to work in one of a variety of disaster related roles, ranging from Community Relations to Disaster Recovery Center support.’
A standing army
Unlike most local disaster response teams who are volunteers, training periodically and only showing up when there’s a disaster, the FEMA Corps will be a paid, full time, standing army of government youth. FEMA Deputy Administrator Sarino goes on to explain, ‘The new members, who range in age from 18-24 years old, will contribute to a dedicated, trained, and reliable disaster workforce by working full-time for ten months on federal disaster response and recovery efforts.’
In closing his announcement of the first graduating class of FEMA Corps Youth, Sarino describes his and the agency’s vision of the future, one where ‘FEMA Corps sets the foundation for a new generation of emergency managers’.
DHS arms itself
As we detailed in the August 28 Whiteout Press article ‘History of DHS Ammunition Purchases’, federal emergency management agencies are looking more and more like a military army every day.
The federal government’s procurement website actually lists DHS’ requests for bids to supply it with ammunition and military weaponry. All of the orders listed in the above article, including the orders for hundreds of millions of rounds of ammunition, are publicly available at
One look at a chart of DHS ammunition purchases over the past decade reveals a drastic spike in orders of bullets recently, totaling in the billions of rounds. Other charts available online show a similar drastic spike in the purchases of accompanying weaponry by the Department of Homeland Security.
What is the US federal government preparing for? And why does it feel it needs an army of brainwashed youth, millions of guns, thousands of armored fighting vehicles and literally billions of rounds of ammunition, just to provide relief to the American people during a natural disaster? Any historian will tell you it sounds more like the arming of the Hitler Youth than an army of first responders fighting forest fires and hurricanes.
Firearm companies Restricting Sales To State And Federal Gov't Agencies That Restrict Gun Rights
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By Gregory Gwyn-Williams, JrA growing number of firearm and firearm-related companies have stated they will no longer sell items to states, counties, cities and municipalities that restrict their citizens' rights to own them.
According to The Police Loophole, 34 companies have joined in publicly stating that governments who seek to restrict 2nd Amendment rights will themselves be restricted from purchasing the items they seek to limit or ban.
Extreme Firepower Inc., located in Inwood, WV has had a longstanding policy that states:
"The Federal Government and several states have enacted gun control laws that restrict the public from owning and possessing certain types of firearms...If a product that we manufacture is not legal for a private citizen to own in a jurisdiction, we will not sell that product to a law-enforcement agency in that jurisdiction."
York Arms, located in Buxton, ME released a statement following new legislation in New York:
"Based on the recent legislation in New York, we are prohibited from selling rifles and receivers to residents of New York. We have chosen to extend that prohibition to all governmental agencies associated with or located within New York."
Quality Arms, located in Rigby, ID writes on their website, "elected officials have their own agenda to circumnavigate the truth and destroy the constitution of the United States."
The site states: "Quality Arms Idaho will not supply and firearm or product, manufactured by us, or any other company nor will we warranty, repair, alter, or modify and firearm owned by any State, County or Municipality who infringes on the right of its citizens to bear arms under the 2nd Amendment."
Bravo Company USA states:
"The people at Bravo Company USA and BCM support responsible private individuals having access to the same tools of civilian Law Enforcement to affect the same ends...As such Bravo Company's policy is that law enforcement officials and departments will be restricted to the same type of products available to responsible private individuals of that same city or state."
According to The Police Loophole, 34 companies have joined in publicly stating that governments who seek to restrict 2nd Amendment rights will themselves be restricted from purchasing the items they seek to limit or ban.
Extreme Firepower Inc., located in Inwood, WV has had a longstanding policy that states:
"The Federal Government and several states have enacted gun control laws that restrict the public from owning and possessing certain types of firearms...If a product that we manufacture is not legal for a private citizen to own in a jurisdiction, we will not sell that product to a law-enforcement agency in that jurisdiction."
York Arms, located in Buxton, ME released a statement following new legislation in New York:
"Based on the recent legislation in New York, we are prohibited from selling rifles and receivers to residents of New York. We have chosen to extend that prohibition to all governmental agencies associated with or located within New York."
Quality Arms, located in Rigby, ID writes on their website, "elected officials have their own agenda to circumnavigate the truth and destroy the constitution of the United States."
The site states: "Quality Arms Idaho will not supply and firearm or product, manufactured by us, or any other company nor will we warranty, repair, alter, or modify and firearm owned by any State, County or Municipality who infringes on the right of its citizens to bear arms under the 2nd Amendment."
Bravo Company USA states:
"The people at Bravo Company USA and BCM support responsible private individuals having access to the same tools of civilian Law Enforcement to affect the same ends...As such Bravo Company's policy is that law enforcement officials and departments will be restricted to the same type of products available to responsible private individuals of that same city or state."
DOJ Memo: Confiscate All Guns In America
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Kurt Nimmo
February 24, 2013
DOJ memo states: “Buybacks are ineffective unless massive and coupled with a ban.”The National Rifle Association has obtained a Department of Justice memo calling for national gun registration and confiscation. The nine page “cursory summary” on current gun control initiatives was not officially released by the Obama administration.
The DOJ memo (downloadable here as a PDF) states the administration “believes that a gun ban will not work without mandatory gun confiscation,” according to the NRA, and thinks universal background checks “won’t work without requiring national gun registration.” Obama has yet to publicly support national registration or firearms confiscation, although the memo reveals his administration is moving in that direction.
The memo stands in stark contrast to the administration’s public stance on so-called gun control. White House spokesman Jay Carney said last month that laws proposed by Obama would not “take away a gun from a single law-abiding American.”
The NRA declined to explain how it obtained the document. The memo was written by the acting director of the Justice Department’s National Institute of Justice, Greg Ridgeway. It is dated January 4, two weeks before Obama mounted his attack on the Second Amendment following the Sandy Hook massacre. Ridgeway came to the Justice Department from the RAND corporation.
The memo says universal background checks on firearms purchases may help the government push to control and eventually outlaw firearms, but it would lead to an increase in illegally purchased guns.
It pointed out that banning high capacity ammunition clips would be ineffective due to the fact there is a large number of them already in circulation.
A Justice Department official said the memo is an unfinished review of gun violence research and does not represent administration policy.
The DOJ memo arrived a few weeks prior to a letter sent out by the Department of Veterans Affairs. “A determination of incompetency will prohibit you from purchasing, possessing, receiving, or transporting a firearm or ammunition,” the sent to military veterans states. “If you knowingly violate any of these prohibitions, you may be fined, imprisoned, or both pursuant to the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, Pub.L.No. 103-159, as implemented at 18, United States Code 924(a)(2).”
“US veterans are receiving letters from the government informing them that they are disabled and not allowed to own, purchase or possess a firearm. If the veteran does decide to purchase a firearm he will by fined, imprisoned or both,” the Gateway Pundit remarked."PODCAST"
February 24, 2013
The DOJ memo (downloadable here as a PDF) states the administration “believes that a gun ban will not work without mandatory gun confiscation,” according to the NRA, and thinks universal background checks “won’t work without requiring national gun registration.” Obama has yet to publicly support national registration or firearms confiscation, although the memo reveals his administration is moving in that direction.
The memo stands in stark contrast to the administration’s public stance on so-called gun control. White House spokesman Jay Carney said last month that laws proposed by Obama would not “take away a gun from a single law-abiding American.”
The NRA declined to explain how it obtained the document. The memo was written by the acting director of the Justice Department’s National Institute of Justice, Greg Ridgeway. It is dated January 4, two weeks before Obama mounted his attack on the Second Amendment following the Sandy Hook massacre. Ridgeway came to the Justice Department from the RAND corporation.
The memo says universal background checks on firearms purchases may help the government push to control and eventually outlaw firearms, but it would lead to an increase in illegally purchased guns.
It pointed out that banning high capacity ammunition clips would be ineffective due to the fact there is a large number of them already in circulation.
A Justice Department official said the memo is an unfinished review of gun violence research and does not represent administration policy.
The DOJ memo arrived a few weeks prior to a letter sent out by the Department of Veterans Affairs. “A determination of incompetency will prohibit you from purchasing, possessing, receiving, or transporting a firearm or ammunition,” the sent to military veterans states. “If you knowingly violate any of these prohibitions, you may be fined, imprisoned, or both pursuant to the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, Pub.L.No. 103-159, as implemented at 18, United States Code 924(a)(2).”
“US veterans are receiving letters from the government informing them that they are disabled and not allowed to own, purchase or possess a firearm. If the veteran does decide to purchase a firearm he will by fined, imprisoned or both,” the Gateway Pundit remarked."PODCAST"
'Greece Can Only Solve Its Crisis if It Quits the Euro'
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If you are even slightly interested with the economic crisis in Greece, read this article.
If you are considerate about the nearby future, read this article.
If you need a little push, click here.
One of my favorite points that Sinn makes in his interview:
If I understand interest-bearing loans correctly, don't interest rates encode the risk of default? The idea that a creditor may lend money with trailing interest rates and recollect irregardless of the debtor's ability to pay is irritable. That is the entire notion of risk! Likewise, interest represents the opportunity cost of not investing elsewhere. Why is there an obligation to pay debts that cannot be managed? An entire country turning to austerity mirrors a system of debt bondage, just on a much larger scale. While, yes, the ability to pardon debt too easily could limit growth by turning away investors, a balanced between the creditors and the debtors. I should not be able to go to input debtor into a thesaurus website and see it paired with "delinquent."
Further, what are the negatives to this? What is to become of home mortgages that are held by the Euro? And what of the middle class? They will likely be affected most by the currency shift, and their savings may be exhausted, but what of the austerity period Sinn is predicting? There is also a decent chance that a proportion of the middle class will simply emigrate in search of better opportunities. What shall serve as the backbone of economic revitalization without the pivotal middle class?
If you are considerate about the nearby future, read this article.
If you need a little push, click here.
One of my favorite points that Sinn makes in his interview:
Greece's creditors aren't entitled to have the debt repaid by the international community. Everyone has to earn the standard of living themselves, and those who chose to make money from risk must bear that risk.
If I understand interest-bearing loans correctly, don't interest rates encode the risk of default? The idea that a creditor may lend money with trailing interest rates and recollect irregardless of the debtor's ability to pay is irritable. That is the entire notion of risk! Likewise, interest represents the opportunity cost of not investing elsewhere. Why is there an obligation to pay debts that cannot be managed? An entire country turning to austerity mirrors a system of debt bondage, just on a much larger scale. While, yes, the ability to pardon debt too easily could limit growth by turning away investors, a balanced between the creditors and the debtors. I should not be able to go to input debtor into a thesaurus website and see it paired with "delinquent."
Further, what are the negatives to this? What is to become of home mortgages that are held by the Euro? And what of the middle class? They will likely be affected most by the currency shift, and their savings may be exhausted, but what of the austerity period Sinn is predicting? There is also a decent chance that a proportion of the middle class will simply emigrate in search of better opportunities. What shall serve as the backbone of economic revitalization without the pivotal middle class?
24 Şubat 2013 Pazar
Welcome To Trader Joe's - Your Neighborhood Grocery Store - Jobs - California - Los Angeles - Store Crew - W. Los Angeles, CA
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Welcome To Trader Joe's - Your Neighborhood Grocery Store - Jobs - California - Los Angeles - Store Crew - W. Los Angeles, CA: If ordinary makes you yawn, then keep reading. Do you have a sense of adventure? Do you like to make people smile? Do you like to eat? We have opportunities that will challenge and excite. Who are we? Trader Joe's, your favorite neighborhood grocery store that originated in Southern California and now operates more than 350 stores (and growing) from coast to coast.
The most important job assignment is delivering a great Customer Experience. Our Crew creates a fun, warm and friendly shopping experience by sharing product knowledge, walking customers to items, answering their questions and offering suggestions.
Everybody does everything.
As part of our Crew, you'll handle a lot. But that's the thing; so does everybody else. What's more, you won't be stuck in one role here. Here are some of the things you can expect to do:
•���������� Work on the register
•���������� Bag some groceries
•���������� Stock the shelves
•���������� Build a display
•���������� Have fun helping customers
The most important job assignment is delivering a great Customer Experience. Our Crew creates a fun, warm and friendly shopping experience by sharing product knowledge, walking customers to items, answering their questions and offering suggestions.
Everybody does everything.
As part of our Crew, you'll handle a lot. But that's the thing; so does everybody else. What's more, you won't be stuck in one role here. Here are some of the things you can expect to do:
•���������� Work on the register
•���������� Bag some groceries
•���������� Stock the shelves
•���������� Build a display
•���������� Have fun helping customers
McDonald's Jobs: Find a Career @ McDonald's - 28th & Figueroa
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McDonald's Jobs: Find a Career @ McDonald's - 28th & Figueroa: Hours: 7:00 pm to 12:00am
Pay: Competitive
Are you a night owl? If you need to be off during the day yet want extra money working nights, our late night shifts are for you! Great as an additional job for extra money or full time to free up your days. Looking for friendly, enthusiastic people who can deliver excellent customer service with a presentable smile. Dependable, hard working individuals should apply now! Must be able to work in a fast paced environment and be a team player. Please no visible tattoos. Reliable work history mandatory. Must be 18 years of age or older to qualify for this position... No exceptions!
Enjoy the Perks
Got what it takes? Then join the team! We offer a long list of good things like: Flexible schedules, training and development programs, advancement opportunities, uniforms, and much more! See Restaurant Manager for details.
Pay: Competitive
Are you a night owl? If you need to be off during the day yet want extra money working nights, our late night shifts are for you! Great as an additional job for extra money or full time to free up your days. Looking for friendly, enthusiastic people who can deliver excellent customer service with a presentable smile. Dependable, hard working individuals should apply now! Must be able to work in a fast paced environment and be a team player. Please no visible tattoos. Reliable work history mandatory. Must be 18 years of age or older to qualify for this position... No exceptions!
Enjoy the Perks
Got what it takes? Then join the team! We offer a long list of good things like: Flexible schedules, training and development programs, advancement opportunities, uniforms, and much more! See Restaurant Manager for details.
'Greece Can Only Solve Its Crisis if It Quits the Euro'
To contact us Click HERE
If you are even slightly interested with the economic crisis in Greece, read this article.
If you are considerate about the nearby future, read this article.
If you need a little push, click here.
One of my favorite points that Sinn makes in his interview:
If I understand interest-bearing loans correctly, don't interest rates encode the risk of default? The idea that a creditor may lend money with trailing interest rates and recollect irregardless of the debtor's ability to pay is irritable. That is the entire notion of risk! Likewise, interest represents the opportunity cost of not investing elsewhere. Why is there an obligation to pay debts that cannot be managed? An entire country turning to austerity mirrors a system of debt bondage, just on a much larger scale. While, yes, the ability to pardon debt too easily could limit growth by turning away investors, a balanced between the creditors and the debtors. I should not be able to go to input debtor into a thesaurus website and see it paired with "delinquent."
Further, what are the negatives to this? What is to become of home mortgages that are held by the Euro? And what of the middle class? They will likely be affected most by the currency shift, and their savings may be exhausted, but what of the austerity period Sinn is predicting? There is also a decent chance that a proportion of the middle class will simply emigrate in search of better opportunities. What shall serve as the backbone of economic revitalization without the pivotal middle class?
If you are considerate about the nearby future, read this article.
If you need a little push, click here.
One of my favorite points that Sinn makes in his interview:
Greece's creditors aren't entitled to have the debt repaid by the international community. Everyone has to earn the standard of living themselves, and those who chose to make money from risk must bear that risk.
If I understand interest-bearing loans correctly, don't interest rates encode the risk of default? The idea that a creditor may lend money with trailing interest rates and recollect irregardless of the debtor's ability to pay is irritable. That is the entire notion of risk! Likewise, interest represents the opportunity cost of not investing elsewhere. Why is there an obligation to pay debts that cannot be managed? An entire country turning to austerity mirrors a system of debt bondage, just on a much larger scale. While, yes, the ability to pardon debt too easily could limit growth by turning away investors, a balanced between the creditors and the debtors. I should not be able to go to input debtor into a thesaurus website and see it paired with "delinquent."
Further, what are the negatives to this? What is to become of home mortgages that are held by the Euro? And what of the middle class? They will likely be affected most by the currency shift, and their savings may be exhausted, but what of the austerity period Sinn is predicting? There is also a decent chance that a proportion of the middle class will simply emigrate in search of better opportunities. What shall serve as the backbone of economic revitalization without the pivotal middle class?
Father's Day
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Sorry about the long time since my last post, I've been very busy with work and my phone decided to take a dump on me so I've been back and forth with Verizon for the last few days getting that taken care of.
Tomorrow is Father's Day, the day we appreciate our overall underrated dads for everything they've done. It's always intrigued me as to why our moms get much more appreciation than our dads. Yes, I know, our moms carried us around as a parasite for 9 months and squeezed us out of a very tight body cavity one day, but our dads taught us a lot throughout our lives as well. For the longest time (I'd say it started to change in the 70s and 80s) dads ruled the house and were looked up to. Nowadays dads are portrayed as the incompetent, simplistic, stupid members of the family that the moms always have to clean up after.
I blame that stigma on the media. Look at all of the popular sitcoms and TV shows of the last 10-15 years. Everybody Loves Raymond, the King of Queens, Malcolm in the Middle, According to Jim, The Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, The Cleveland Show... the one thing they all have in common is that the dad/husband is an idiot and his wife is always cleaning up after him. It's not just TV shows either. Most commercials are the same way, whether it's mom "tricking" dad into cooking dinner by buying charcoal for the grill or catching her husband in the act of staying up late playing Xbox with their son.
So for all you dads out there, happy Father's Day and don't hurt yourself trying to open the envelope with the card
Tomorrow is Father's Day, the day we appreciate our overall underrated dads for everything they've done. It's always intrigued me as to why our moms get much more appreciation than our dads. Yes, I know, our moms carried us around as a parasite for 9 months and squeezed us out of a very tight body cavity one day, but our dads taught us a lot throughout our lives as well. For the longest time (I'd say it started to change in the 70s and 80s) dads ruled the house and were looked up to. Nowadays dads are portrayed as the incompetent, simplistic, stupid members of the family that the moms always have to clean up after.
I blame that stigma on the media. Look at all of the popular sitcoms and TV shows of the last 10-15 years. Everybody Loves Raymond, the King of Queens, Malcolm in the Middle, According to Jim, The Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, The Cleveland Show... the one thing they all have in common is that the dad/husband is an idiot and his wife is always cleaning up after him. It's not just TV shows either. Most commercials are the same way, whether it's mom "tricking" dad into cooking dinner by buying charcoal for the grill or catching her husband in the act of staying up late playing Xbox with their son.
So for all you dads out there, happy Father's Day and don't hurt yourself trying to open the envelope with the card
Are today's parents too lazy?
To contact us Click HERE
One of the things I've been noticing over the last few years is that when out in public at Wal Mart, a restaurant, or whatever, most kids seem to be out of control. My parents sometimes remark to my sister and me saying "Oh, if you had done such-and-such when you were that young, we wouldn't take you out" or "we would have punished you on the spot." I'm not talking about simple kid stuff such as constant whining or being full of energy, but things like talking back, running off, and throwing tantrums while parents just ignore it.
At work I see this ALL the time. I've even had some parents tell me that they just give up saying it won't help one bit when the child in question is only 6 or 7 years old! My parents have told me that when they were young, their parents kept them in line by using the belt. My parents rarely used corporal punishment on my sister and me, but we did get grounded and had certain toys and video games taken away when it was called for.
From stories I hear from my friends who are new parents, they don't even do that. Even my girlfriend says the same thing about her younger brother who has no respect for anyone, sneaks out of the house, and smokes weed in the house. What I want to ask is why parents today are so soft? What is it that makes them so lazy and not actually parent and raise their kids?
What do you all think and what are your experiences with this?
At work I see this ALL the time. I've even had some parents tell me that they just give up saying it won't help one bit when the child in question is only 6 or 7 years old! My parents have told me that when they were young, their parents kept them in line by using the belt. My parents rarely used corporal punishment on my sister and me, but we did get grounded and had certain toys and video games taken away when it was called for.
From stories I hear from my friends who are new parents, they don't even do that. Even my girlfriend says the same thing about her younger brother who has no respect for anyone, sneaks out of the house, and smokes weed in the house. What I want to ask is why parents today are so soft? What is it that makes them so lazy and not actually parent and raise their kids?
What do you all think and what are your experiences with this?
23 Şubat 2013 Cumartesi
'Greece Can Only Solve Its Crisis if It Quits the Euro'
To contact us Click HERE
If you are even slightly interested with the economic crisis in Greece, read this article.
If you are considerate about the nearby future, read this article.
If you need a little push, click here.
One of my favorite points that Sinn makes in his interview:
If I understand interest-bearing loans correctly, don't interest rates encode the risk of default? The idea that a creditor may lend money with trailing interest rates and recollect irregardless of the debtor's ability to pay is irritable. That is the entire notion of risk! Likewise, interest represents the opportunity cost of not investing elsewhere. Why is there an obligation to pay debts that cannot be managed? An entire country turning to austerity mirrors a system of debt bondage, just on a much larger scale. While, yes, the ability to pardon debt too easily could limit growth by turning away investors, a balanced between the creditors and the debtors. I should not be able to go to input debtor into a thesaurus website and see it paired with "delinquent."
Further, what are the negatives to this? What is to become of home mortgages that are held by the Euro? And what of the middle class? They will likely be affected most by the currency shift, and their savings may be exhausted, but what of the austerity period Sinn is predicting? There is also a decent chance that a proportion of the middle class will simply emigrate in search of better opportunities. What shall serve as the backbone of economic revitalization without the pivotal middle class?
If you are considerate about the nearby future, read this article.
If you need a little push, click here.
One of my favorite points that Sinn makes in his interview:
Greece's creditors aren't entitled to have the debt repaid by the international community. Everyone has to earn the standard of living themselves, and those who chose to make money from risk must bear that risk.
If I understand interest-bearing loans correctly, don't interest rates encode the risk of default? The idea that a creditor may lend money with trailing interest rates and recollect irregardless of the debtor's ability to pay is irritable. That is the entire notion of risk! Likewise, interest represents the opportunity cost of not investing elsewhere. Why is there an obligation to pay debts that cannot be managed? An entire country turning to austerity mirrors a system of debt bondage, just on a much larger scale. While, yes, the ability to pardon debt too easily could limit growth by turning away investors, a balanced between the creditors and the debtors. I should not be able to go to input debtor into a thesaurus website and see it paired with "delinquent."
Further, what are the negatives to this? What is to become of home mortgages that are held by the Euro? And what of the middle class? They will likely be affected most by the currency shift, and their savings may be exhausted, but what of the austerity period Sinn is predicting? There is also a decent chance that a proportion of the middle class will simply emigrate in search of better opportunities. What shall serve as the backbone of economic revitalization without the pivotal middle class?
Father's Day
To contact us Click HERE
Sorry about the long time since my last post, I've been very busy with work and my phone decided to take a dump on me so I've been back and forth with Verizon for the last few days getting that taken care of.
Tomorrow is Father's Day, the day we appreciate our overall underrated dads for everything they've done. It's always intrigued me as to why our moms get much more appreciation than our dads. Yes, I know, our moms carried us around as a parasite for 9 months and squeezed us out of a very tight body cavity one day, but our dads taught us a lot throughout our lives as well. For the longest time (I'd say it started to change in the 70s and 80s) dads ruled the house and were looked up to. Nowadays dads are portrayed as the incompetent, simplistic, stupid members of the family that the moms always have to clean up after.
I blame that stigma on the media. Look at all of the popular sitcoms and TV shows of the last 10-15 years. Everybody Loves Raymond, the King of Queens, Malcolm in the Middle, According to Jim, The Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, The Cleveland Show... the one thing they all have in common is that the dad/husband is an idiot and his wife is always cleaning up after him. It's not just TV shows either. Most commercials are the same way, whether it's mom "tricking" dad into cooking dinner by buying charcoal for the grill or catching her husband in the act of staying up late playing Xbox with their son.
So for all you dads out there, happy Father's Day and don't hurt yourself trying to open the envelope with the card
Tomorrow is Father's Day, the day we appreciate our overall underrated dads for everything they've done. It's always intrigued me as to why our moms get much more appreciation than our dads. Yes, I know, our moms carried us around as a parasite for 9 months and squeezed us out of a very tight body cavity one day, but our dads taught us a lot throughout our lives as well. For the longest time (I'd say it started to change in the 70s and 80s) dads ruled the house and were looked up to. Nowadays dads are portrayed as the incompetent, simplistic, stupid members of the family that the moms always have to clean up after.
I blame that stigma on the media. Look at all of the popular sitcoms and TV shows of the last 10-15 years. Everybody Loves Raymond, the King of Queens, Malcolm in the Middle, According to Jim, The Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, The Cleveland Show... the one thing they all have in common is that the dad/husband is an idiot and his wife is always cleaning up after him. It's not just TV shows either. Most commercials are the same way, whether it's mom "tricking" dad into cooking dinner by buying charcoal for the grill or catching her husband in the act of staying up late playing Xbox with their son.
So for all you dads out there, happy Father's Day and don't hurt yourself trying to open the envelope with the card
Are today's parents too lazy?
To contact us Click HERE
One of the things I've been noticing over the last few years is that when out in public at Wal Mart, a restaurant, or whatever, most kids seem to be out of control. My parents sometimes remark to my sister and me saying "Oh, if you had done such-and-such when you were that young, we wouldn't take you out" or "we would have punished you on the spot." I'm not talking about simple kid stuff such as constant whining or being full of energy, but things like talking back, running off, and throwing tantrums while parents just ignore it.
At work I see this ALL the time. I've even had some parents tell me that they just give up saying it won't help one bit when the child in question is only 6 or 7 years old! My parents have told me that when they were young, their parents kept them in line by using the belt. My parents rarely used corporal punishment on my sister and me, but we did get grounded and had certain toys and video games taken away when it was called for.
From stories I hear from my friends who are new parents, they don't even do that. Even my girlfriend says the same thing about her younger brother who has no respect for anyone, sneaks out of the house, and smokes weed in the house. What I want to ask is why parents today are so soft? What is it that makes them so lazy and not actually parent and raise their kids?
What do you all think and what are your experiences with this?
At work I see this ALL the time. I've even had some parents tell me that they just give up saying it won't help one bit when the child in question is only 6 or 7 years old! My parents have told me that when they were young, their parents kept them in line by using the belt. My parents rarely used corporal punishment on my sister and me, but we did get grounded and had certain toys and video games taken away when it was called for.
From stories I hear from my friends who are new parents, they don't even do that. Even my girlfriend says the same thing about her younger brother who has no respect for anyone, sneaks out of the house, and smokes weed in the house. What I want to ask is why parents today are so soft? What is it that makes them so lazy and not actually parent and raise their kids?
What do you all think and what are your experiences with this?
Welcome To Trader Joe's - Your Neighborhood Grocery Store - Jobs - California - Los Angeles - Store Crew - W. Los Angeles, CA
To contact us Click HERE
Welcome To Trader Joe's - Your Neighborhood Grocery Store - Jobs - California - Los Angeles - Store Crew - W. Los Angeles, CA: If ordinary makes you yawn, then keep reading. Do you have a sense of adventure? Do you like to make people smile? Do you like to eat? We have opportunities that will challenge and excite. Who are we? Trader Joe's, your favorite neighborhood grocery store that originated in Southern California and now operates more than 350 stores (and growing) from coast to coast.
The most important job assignment is delivering a great Customer Experience. Our Crew creates a fun, warm and friendly shopping experience by sharing product knowledge, walking customers to items, answering their questions and offering suggestions.
Everybody does everything.
As part of our Crew, you'll handle a lot. But that's the thing; so does everybody else. What's more, you won't be stuck in one role here. Here are some of the things you can expect to do:
•���������� Work on the register
•���������� Bag some groceries
•���������� Stock the shelves
•���������� Build a display
•���������� Have fun helping customers
The most important job assignment is delivering a great Customer Experience. Our Crew creates a fun, warm and friendly shopping experience by sharing product knowledge, walking customers to items, answering their questions and offering suggestions.
Everybody does everything.
As part of our Crew, you'll handle a lot. But that's the thing; so does everybody else. What's more, you won't be stuck in one role here. Here are some of the things you can expect to do:
•���������� Work on the register
•���������� Bag some groceries
•���������� Stock the shelves
•���������� Build a display
•���������� Have fun helping customers
McDonald's Jobs: Find a Career @ McDonald's - 28th & Figueroa
To contact us Click HERE
McDonald's Jobs: Find a Career @ McDonald's - 28th & Figueroa: Hours: 7:00 pm to 12:00am
Pay: Competitive
Are you a night owl? If you need to be off during the day yet want extra money working nights, our late night shifts are for you! Great as an additional job for extra money or full time to free up your days. Looking for friendly, enthusiastic people who can deliver excellent customer service with a presentable smile. Dependable, hard working individuals should apply now! Must be able to work in a fast paced environment and be a team player. Please no visible tattoos. Reliable work history mandatory. Must be 18 years of age or older to qualify for this position... No exceptions!
Enjoy the Perks
Got what it takes? Then join the team! We offer a long list of good things like: Flexible schedules, training and development programs, advancement opportunities, uniforms, and much more! See Restaurant Manager for details.
Pay: Competitive
Are you a night owl? If you need to be off during the day yet want extra money working nights, our late night shifts are for you! Great as an additional job for extra money or full time to free up your days. Looking for friendly, enthusiastic people who can deliver excellent customer service with a presentable smile. Dependable, hard working individuals should apply now! Must be able to work in a fast paced environment and be a team player. Please no visible tattoos. Reliable work history mandatory. Must be 18 years of age or older to qualify for this position... No exceptions!
Enjoy the Perks
Got what it takes? Then join the team! We offer a long list of good things like: Flexible schedules, training and development programs, advancement opportunities, uniforms, and much more! See Restaurant Manager for details.
22 Şubat 2013 Cuma
Are today's parents too lazy?
To contact us Click HERE
One of the things I've been noticing over the last few years is that when out in public at Wal Mart, a restaurant, or whatever, most kids seem to be out of control. My parents sometimes remark to my sister and me saying "Oh, if you had done such-and-such when you were that young, we wouldn't take you out" or "we would have punished you on the spot." I'm not talking about simple kid stuff such as constant whining or being full of energy, but things like talking back, running off, and throwing tantrums while parents just ignore it.
At work I see this ALL the time. I've even had some parents tell me that they just give up saying it won't help one bit when the child in question is only 6 or 7 years old! My parents have told me that when they were young, their parents kept them in line by using the belt. My parents rarely used corporal punishment on my sister and me, but we did get grounded and had certain toys and video games taken away when it was called for.
From stories I hear from my friends who are new parents, they don't even do that. Even my girlfriend says the same thing about her younger brother who has no respect for anyone, sneaks out of the house, and smokes weed in the house. What I want to ask is why parents today are so soft? What is it that makes them so lazy and not actually parent and raise their kids?
What do you all think and what are your experiences with this?
At work I see this ALL the time. I've even had some parents tell me that they just give up saying it won't help one bit when the child in question is only 6 or 7 years old! My parents have told me that when they were young, their parents kept them in line by using the belt. My parents rarely used corporal punishment on my sister and me, but we did get grounded and had certain toys and video games taken away when it was called for.
From stories I hear from my friends who are new parents, they don't even do that. Even my girlfriend says the same thing about her younger brother who has no respect for anyone, sneaks out of the house, and smokes weed in the house. What I want to ask is why parents today are so soft? What is it that makes them so lazy and not actually parent and raise their kids?
What do you all think and what are your experiences with this?
Welcome To Trader Joe's - Your Neighborhood Grocery Store - Jobs - California - Los Angeles - Store Crew - W. Los Angeles, CA
To contact us Click HERE
Welcome To Trader Joe's - Your Neighborhood Grocery Store - Jobs - California - Los Angeles - Store Crew - W. Los Angeles, CA: If ordinary makes you yawn, then keep reading. Do you have a sense of adventure? Do you like to make people smile? Do you like to eat? We have opportunities that will challenge and excite. Who are we? Trader Joe's, your favorite neighborhood grocery store that originated in Southern California and now operates more than 350 stores (and growing) from coast to coast.
The most important job assignment is delivering a great Customer Experience. Our Crew creates a fun, warm and friendly shopping experience by sharing product knowledge, walking customers to items, answering their questions and offering suggestions.
Everybody does everything.
As part of our Crew, you'll handle a lot. But that's the thing; so does everybody else. What's more, you won't be stuck in one role here. Here are some of the things you can expect to do:
•���������� Work on the register
•���������� Bag some groceries
•���������� Stock the shelves
•���������� Build a display
•���������� Have fun helping customers
The most important job assignment is delivering a great Customer Experience. Our Crew creates a fun, warm and friendly shopping experience by sharing product knowledge, walking customers to items, answering their questions and offering suggestions.
Everybody does everything.
As part of our Crew, you'll handle a lot. But that's the thing; so does everybody else. What's more, you won't be stuck in one role here. Here are some of the things you can expect to do:
•���������� Work on the register
•���������� Bag some groceries
•���������� Stock the shelves
•���������� Build a display
•���������� Have fun helping customers
McDonald's Jobs: Find a Career @ McDonald's - 28th & Figueroa
To contact us Click HERE
McDonald's Jobs: Find a Career @ McDonald's - 28th & Figueroa: Hours: 7:00 pm to 12:00am
Pay: Competitive
Are you a night owl? If you need to be off during the day yet want extra money working nights, our late night shifts are for you! Great as an additional job for extra money or full time to free up your days. Looking for friendly, enthusiastic people who can deliver excellent customer service with a presentable smile. Dependable, hard working individuals should apply now! Must be able to work in a fast paced environment and be a team player. Please no visible tattoos. Reliable work history mandatory. Must be 18 years of age or older to qualify for this position... No exceptions!
Enjoy the Perks
Got what it takes? Then join the team! We offer a long list of good things like: Flexible schedules, training and development programs, advancement opportunities, uniforms, and much more! See Restaurant Manager for details.
Pay: Competitive
Are you a night owl? If you need to be off during the day yet want extra money working nights, our late night shifts are for you! Great as an additional job for extra money or full time to free up your days. Looking for friendly, enthusiastic people who can deliver excellent customer service with a presentable smile. Dependable, hard working individuals should apply now! Must be able to work in a fast paced environment and be a team player. Please no visible tattoos. Reliable work history mandatory. Must be 18 years of age or older to qualify for this position... No exceptions!
Enjoy the Perks
Got what it takes? Then join the team! We offer a long list of good things like: Flexible schedules, training and development programs, advancement opportunities, uniforms, and much more! See Restaurant Manager for details.
'Greece Can Only Solve Its Crisis if It Quits the Euro'
To contact us Click HERE
If you are even slightly interested with the economic crisis in Greece, read this article.
If you are considerate about the nearby future, read this article.
If you need a little push, click here.
One of my favorite points that Sinn makes in his interview:
If I understand interest-bearing loans correctly, don't interest rates encode the risk of default? The idea that a creditor may lend money with trailing interest rates and recollect irregardless of the debtor's ability to pay is irritable. That is the entire notion of risk! Likewise, interest represents the opportunity cost of not investing elsewhere. Why is there an obligation to pay debts that cannot be managed? An entire country turning to austerity mirrors a system of debt bondage, just on a much larger scale. While, yes, the ability to pardon debt too easily could limit growth by turning away investors, a balanced between the creditors and the debtors. I should not be able to go to input debtor into a thesaurus website and see it paired with "delinquent."
Further, what are the negatives to this? What is to become of home mortgages that are held by the Euro? And what of the middle class? They will likely be affected most by the currency shift, and their savings may be exhausted, but what of the austerity period Sinn is predicting? There is also a decent chance that a proportion of the middle class will simply emigrate in search of better opportunities. What shall serve as the backbone of economic revitalization without the pivotal middle class?
If you are considerate about the nearby future, read this article.
If you need a little push, click here.
One of my favorite points that Sinn makes in his interview:
Greece's creditors aren't entitled to have the debt repaid by the international community. Everyone has to earn the standard of living themselves, and those who chose to make money from risk must bear that risk.
If I understand interest-bearing loans correctly, don't interest rates encode the risk of default? The idea that a creditor may lend money with trailing interest rates and recollect irregardless of the debtor's ability to pay is irritable. That is the entire notion of risk! Likewise, interest represents the opportunity cost of not investing elsewhere. Why is there an obligation to pay debts that cannot be managed? An entire country turning to austerity mirrors a system of debt bondage, just on a much larger scale. While, yes, the ability to pardon debt too easily could limit growth by turning away investors, a balanced between the creditors and the debtors. I should not be able to go to input debtor into a thesaurus website and see it paired with "delinquent."
Further, what are the negatives to this? What is to become of home mortgages that are held by the Euro? And what of the middle class? They will likely be affected most by the currency shift, and their savings may be exhausted, but what of the austerity period Sinn is predicting? There is also a decent chance that a proportion of the middle class will simply emigrate in search of better opportunities. What shall serve as the backbone of economic revitalization without the pivotal middle class?
U.S. Gov't And Facebook Purges Pro-Gun Accounts
To contact us Click HERE
Paul Joesph Watson - Facebook is purging accounts that carry pro-second amendment and pro-liberty information in a censorship purge that has accelerated over the past few hours, with innumerable pages being disappeared merely for posting legitimate political’s Mike Adams contacted us to alert us to the fact that “Facebook banned our account for posting this,” with an attached image of a Gandhi quote about how the British disarmed the citizenry during their rule in India.
The following is a list of Facebook accounts operated by individuals in the alternative media that have been shut down by Facebook staff over the past 24 hours. Infowars writer Aaron Dykes and political dissident Brandon J. Raub have also had their accounts deleted. Raub was snatched by police and forcibly imprisoned in a psychiatric ward earlier this year for posting political content on Facebook. Infowars editor Kurt Nimmo also had his account suspended this morning.Kurt Nimmo (account suspended)
Aaron Dykes (account inactive)
Amber Lyon (account suspended)
Brandon J. Raub (account inactive)
Michael F Rivero (account inactive)
Anthony J Hilder (account inactive)
William Lewis (account inactive)
Richard Gage (account inactive)
William Rodriguez (account inactive)
Infowar Artist (account inactive)
We are Change (account inactive)
Wacboston At Twitter (account inactive)
Michael Murphy Tmp (account inactive)
Robert M Bowman (account inactive)
Peter Dale Scott (account inactive)
Jason Infowars (account inactive)
Mike Skuthan (account inactive)
Packy Savvenas (account inactive)
Sean Wright (account inactive)
Katherine Albrect (account inactive)It is important to stress that most of these accounts have not simply been temporarily suspended, they have been shut down completely. Some are now being reinstated after complaints. Accounts that have been suspended can still be seen but posting rights have been revoked.A 24 hour suspension was also placed on the Alex Jones Facebook account due to an image that another user had posted in which Alex Jones was tagged.One of the messages being received by users having their accounts suspended is displayed below. In most cases, users are not even being informed of why their page was suspended or deleted, with Facebook merely referring them to the company’s guidelines.
Last week, we reported on how Facebook was suspending user accounts that questioned the official narrative behind the Sandy Hook school massacre.As we have previously highlighted, Facebook occasionally deletes images and posts that it claims violate “Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities,” yet constitute little more than political conjecture or a healthy skepticism of official narratives on current events.In September 2011, Infowars reporter Darrin McBreen was told by Facebook staff not to voice his political opinion on the social networking website.
Responding to comments McBreen had made about off-grid preppers being treated as criminals, the “Facebook Team” wrote, “Be careful making about making political statements on facebook,” adding, “Facebook is about building relationships not a platform for your political viewpoint. Don’t antagonize your base. Be careful and congnizat (sic) of what you are preaching.”
*********************Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
Aaron Dykes (account inactive)
Amber Lyon (account suspended)
Brandon J. Raub (account inactive)
Michael F Rivero (account inactive)
Anthony J Hilder (account inactive)
William Lewis (account inactive)
Richard Gage (account inactive)
William Rodriguez (account inactive)
Infowar Artist (account inactive)
We are Change (account inactive)
Wacboston At Twitter (account inactive)
Michael Murphy Tmp (account inactive)
Robert M Bowman (account inactive)
Peter Dale Scott (account inactive)
Jason Infowars (account inactive)
Mike Skuthan (account inactive)
Packy Savvenas (account inactive)
Sean Wright (account inactive)
Katherine Albrect (account inactive)It is important to stress that most of these accounts have not simply been temporarily suspended, they have been shut down completely. Some are now being reinstated after complaints. Accounts that have been suspended can still be seen but posting rights have been revoked.A 24 hour suspension was also placed on the Alex Jones Facebook account due to an image that another user had posted in which Alex Jones was tagged.One of the messages being received by users having their accounts suspended is displayed below. In most cases, users are not even being informed of why their page was suspended or deleted, with Facebook merely referring them to the company’s guidelines.
Responding to comments McBreen had made about off-grid preppers being treated as criminals, the “Facebook Team” wrote, “Be careful making about making political statements on facebook,” adding, “Facebook is about building relationships not a platform for your political viewpoint. Don’t antagonize your base. Be careful and congnizat (sic) of what you are preaching.”
*********************Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
21 Şubat 2013 Perşembe
Gun Control Historically About Repressing African-Americans "Listen To Gun Control Podcast"
To contact us Click HERE
Washington’s Blog
Feb 21, 2013
Preface: I was raised to be against guns. My parents hated guns, and believed that they only lead to crime and accidental shootings.
I was raised in a blue state, and I have long been deeply influenced by leading voices for non-violence, such as Gandhi and King. So – until recently – I was pro gun-control.
As such, I was stunned to learn about the historical background behind gun control campaigns.
The Real History of Gun Control
UCLA Constitutional law professor Adam Winkler – whose commentary has been featured on CNN, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, The New Republic, and numerous other outlets, and who is a contributor to The Daily Beast and The Huffington Post – notes (via the Wall Street Journal):
Feb 21, 2013
Preface: I was raised to be against guns. My parents hated guns, and believed that they only lead to crime and accidental shootings.
I was raised in a blue state, and I have long been deeply influenced by leading voices for non-violence, such as Gandhi and King. So – until recently – I was pro gun-control.
As such, I was stunned to learn about the historical background behind gun control campaigns.
The Real History of Gun Control
UCLA Constitutional law professor Adam Winkler – whose commentary has been featured on CNN, The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal, The New Republic, and numerous other outlets, and who is a contributor to The Daily Beast and The Huffington Post – notes (via the Wall Street Journal):
[The history of gun control in America] was a constant pressure among white racists to keep guns out of the hands of African-Americans, because they would rise up and revolt.Brendan O’Neill notes at the Guardian:
The KKK began as a gun-control organization. Before the Civil War, blacks were never allowed to own guns. During the Civil War, blacks kept guns for the first time – either they served in the Union army and they were allowed to keep their guns, or they buy guns on the open market where for the first time there’s hundreds of thousands of guns flooding the marketplace after the war ends. So they arm up because they know who they’re dealing with in the South. White racists do things like pass laws to disarm them, but that’s not really going to work. So they form these racist posses all over the South to go out at night in large groups to terrorize blacks and take those guns away. If blacks were disarmed, they couldn’t fight back.
For years – for two centuries, in fact – gun control was a largely Right-wing, reactionary campaign issue, not a Left-wing one. The fact that it has now been adopted by Leftists is very revealing indeed.And avid gun control advocate Robert Sherrill notes in his book, The Saturday Night Special:
Before the 1980s, Right-wingers and racists were the most vocal in demanding that the states in America should strictly circumscribe gun ownership. Where the revolutionary government of 1791 made the second amendment to the US Constitution, which insisted on the right of the citizenry to bear arms as a safeguard against tyrannical government, successive legislators and campaigners who were freaked out by the prospect of former slaves getting hold of guns called for a rethink of this fundamental liberty. So after theNat Turner rebellion of 1831, when a band of black rebels shot at white slave owners and freed their slaves, the state of Tennessee altered its constitution. Where once it had guaranteed that “the freemen of this state have a right to keep and to bear arms for their common defence”, post-Nat Turner it said “the free white men of this state have a right to keep and to bear arms for their common defence”.
Throughout the 1800s, states passed gun-control laws that were fundamentally racist. So, panicked by the prospect of more black rebellions against white landowners, the North Carolina Supreme Court passed a statute in 1840 that said: “If any free negro, mulatto, or free person of colour shall wear or carry about his or her person, or keep in his or her house, any shotgun, musket, rifle, pistol, sword, dagger or bowie-knife… he or she shall be guilty of a misdemanour, and may be indicted therefore.”
In the 1890s, Florida also passed race-specific gun-control laws. Then, in 1941, a judge in Florida’s Supreme Court called the laws into question when he overturned the conviction of a black man for carrying a handgun without a permit. He overturned the conviction, he said, because this law “was passed for the purpose of disarming the negro labourers … and to give the white citizens in sparsely settled areas a better feeling of security. The statute was never intended to be applied to the white population and in practice has never been so applied.”
In the modern period, too, there was a hugely reactionary bent to gun-control campaigns. In the early 20th century new laws, such as the 1911 Sullivan Law in New York City, were passed to prevent the huge influx of immigrants from southern and eastern Europe from getting their hands on guns. As Gary Kleck puts it in his book Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America, gun control was anything but a liberal cause: “In the 19th and early 20th century, gun-control laws were often targeted at blacks in the south and the foreign-born in the north.”
Whatever you think of the National Rifle Association, it is hard to disagree with its observation that: “The historical purpose of gun-control laws in America has been one of discrimination and disenfranchisement of blacks, immigrants and other minorities”.
The Gun Control Act of 1968 was passed not to control guns but to control blacks, and inasmuch as a majority of Congress did not want to do the former but were ashamed to show that their goal was the latter, the result was that they did neither. Indeed, this law, the first gun-control law passed by Congress in thirty years, was one of the grand jokes of our time. "Destiny 's Child Opening and ending of Gun Control Podcast In America".
Father's Day
To contact us Click HERE
Sorry about the long time since my last post, I've been very busy with work and my phone decided to take a dump on me so I've been back and forth with Verizon for the last few days getting that taken care of.
Tomorrow is Father's Day, the day we appreciate our overall underrated dads for everything they've done. It's always intrigued me as to why our moms get much more appreciation than our dads. Yes, I know, our moms carried us around as a parasite for 9 months and squeezed us out of a very tight body cavity one day, but our dads taught us a lot throughout our lives as well. For the longest time (I'd say it started to change in the 70s and 80s) dads ruled the house and were looked up to. Nowadays dads are portrayed as the incompetent, simplistic, stupid members of the family that the moms always have to clean up after.
I blame that stigma on the media. Look at all of the popular sitcoms and TV shows of the last 10-15 years. Everybody Loves Raymond, the King of Queens, Malcolm in the Middle, According to Jim, The Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, The Cleveland Show... the one thing they all have in common is that the dad/husband is an idiot and his wife is always cleaning up after him. It's not just TV shows either. Most commercials are the same way, whether it's mom "tricking" dad into cooking dinner by buying charcoal for the grill or catching her husband in the act of staying up late playing Xbox with their son.
So for all you dads out there, happy Father's Day and don't hurt yourself trying to open the envelope with the card
Tomorrow is Father's Day, the day we appreciate our overall underrated dads for everything they've done. It's always intrigued me as to why our moms get much more appreciation than our dads. Yes, I know, our moms carried us around as a parasite for 9 months and squeezed us out of a very tight body cavity one day, but our dads taught us a lot throughout our lives as well. For the longest time (I'd say it started to change in the 70s and 80s) dads ruled the house and were looked up to. Nowadays dads are portrayed as the incompetent, simplistic, stupid members of the family that the moms always have to clean up after.
I blame that stigma on the media. Look at all of the popular sitcoms and TV shows of the last 10-15 years. Everybody Loves Raymond, the King of Queens, Malcolm in the Middle, According to Jim, The Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, The Cleveland Show... the one thing they all have in common is that the dad/husband is an idiot and his wife is always cleaning up after him. It's not just TV shows either. Most commercials are the same way, whether it's mom "tricking" dad into cooking dinner by buying charcoal for the grill or catching her husband in the act of staying up late playing Xbox with their son.
So for all you dads out there, happy Father's Day and don't hurt yourself trying to open the envelope with the card
Are today's parents too lazy?
To contact us Click HERE
One of the things I've been noticing over the last few years is that when out in public at Wal Mart, a restaurant, or whatever, most kids seem to be out of control. My parents sometimes remark to my sister and me saying "Oh, if you had done such-and-such when you were that young, we wouldn't take you out" or "we would have punished you on the spot." I'm not talking about simple kid stuff such as constant whining or being full of energy, but things like talking back, running off, and throwing tantrums while parents just ignore it.
At work I see this ALL the time. I've even had some parents tell me that they just give up saying it won't help one bit when the child in question is only 6 or 7 years old! My parents have told me that when they were young, their parents kept them in line by using the belt. My parents rarely used corporal punishment on my sister and me, but we did get grounded and had certain toys and video games taken away when it was called for.
From stories I hear from my friends who are new parents, they don't even do that. Even my girlfriend says the same thing about her younger brother who has no respect for anyone, sneaks out of the house, and smokes weed in the house. What I want to ask is why parents today are so soft? What is it that makes them so lazy and not actually parent and raise their kids?
What do you all think and what are your experiences with this?
At work I see this ALL the time. I've even had some parents tell me that they just give up saying it won't help one bit when the child in question is only 6 or 7 years old! My parents have told me that when they were young, their parents kept them in line by using the belt. My parents rarely used corporal punishment on my sister and me, but we did get grounded and had certain toys and video games taken away when it was called for.
From stories I hear from my friends who are new parents, they don't even do that. Even my girlfriend says the same thing about her younger brother who has no respect for anyone, sneaks out of the house, and smokes weed in the house. What I want to ask is why parents today are so soft? What is it that makes them so lazy and not actually parent and raise their kids?
What do you all think and what are your experiences with this?
Welcome To Trader Joe's - Your Neighborhood Grocery Store - Jobs - California - Los Angeles - Store Crew - W. Los Angeles, CA
To contact us Click HERE
Welcome To Trader Joe's - Your Neighborhood Grocery Store - Jobs - California - Los Angeles - Store Crew - W. Los Angeles, CA: If ordinary makes you yawn, then keep reading. Do you have a sense of adventure? Do you like to make people smile? Do you like to eat? We have opportunities that will challenge and excite. Who are we? Trader Joe's, your favorite neighborhood grocery store that originated in Southern California and now operates more than 350 stores (and growing) from coast to coast.
The most important job assignment is delivering a great Customer Experience. Our Crew creates a fun, warm and friendly shopping experience by sharing product knowledge, walking customers to items, answering their questions and offering suggestions.
Everybody does everything.
As part of our Crew, you'll handle a lot. But that's the thing; so does everybody else. What's more, you won't be stuck in one role here. Here are some of the things you can expect to do:
•���������� Work on the register
•���������� Bag some groceries
•���������� Stock the shelves
•���������� Build a display
•���������� Have fun helping customers
The most important job assignment is delivering a great Customer Experience. Our Crew creates a fun, warm and friendly shopping experience by sharing product knowledge, walking customers to items, answering their questions and offering suggestions.
Everybody does everything.
As part of our Crew, you'll handle a lot. But that's the thing; so does everybody else. What's more, you won't be stuck in one role here. Here are some of the things you can expect to do:
•���������� Work on the register
•���������� Bag some groceries
•���������� Stock the shelves
•���������� Build a display
•���������� Have fun helping customers
McDonald's Jobs: Find a Career @ McDonald's - 28th & Figueroa
To contact us Click HERE
McDonald's Jobs: Find a Career @ McDonald's - 28th & Figueroa: Hours: 7:00 pm to 12:00am
Pay: Competitive
Are you a night owl? If you need to be off during the day yet want extra money working nights, our late night shifts are for you! Great as an additional job for extra money or full time to free up your days. Looking for friendly, enthusiastic people who can deliver excellent customer service with a presentable smile. Dependable, hard working individuals should apply now! Must be able to work in a fast paced environment and be a team player. Please no visible tattoos. Reliable work history mandatory. Must be 18 years of age or older to qualify for this position... No exceptions!
Enjoy the Perks
Got what it takes? Then join the team! We offer a long list of good things like: Flexible schedules, training and development programs, advancement opportunities, uniforms, and much more! See Restaurant Manager for details.
Pay: Competitive
Are you a night owl? If you need to be off during the day yet want extra money working nights, our late night shifts are for you! Great as an additional job for extra money or full time to free up your days. Looking for friendly, enthusiastic people who can deliver excellent customer service with a presentable smile. Dependable, hard working individuals should apply now! Must be able to work in a fast paced environment and be a team player. Please no visible tattoos. Reliable work history mandatory. Must be 18 years of age or older to qualify for this position... No exceptions!
Enjoy the Perks
Got what it takes? Then join the team! We offer a long list of good things like: Flexible schedules, training and development programs, advancement opportunities, uniforms, and much more! See Restaurant Manager for details.
20 Şubat 2013 Çarşamba
Are today's parents too lazy?
To contact us Click HERE
One of the things I've been noticing over the last few years is that when out in public at Wal Mart, a restaurant, or whatever, most kids seem to be out of control. My parents sometimes remark to my sister and me saying "Oh, if you had done such-and-such when you were that young, we wouldn't take you out" or "we would have punished you on the spot." I'm not talking about simple kid stuff such as constant whining or being full of energy, but things like talking back, running off, and throwing tantrums while parents just ignore it.
At work I see this ALL the time. I've even had some parents tell me that they just give up saying it won't help one bit when the child in question is only 6 or 7 years old! My parents have told me that when they were young, their parents kept them in line by using the belt. My parents rarely used corporal punishment on my sister and me, but we did get grounded and had certain toys and video games taken away when it was called for.
From stories I hear from my friends who are new parents, they don't even do that. Even my girlfriend says the same thing about her younger brother who has no respect for anyone, sneaks out of the house, and smokes weed in the house. What I want to ask is why parents today are so soft? What is it that makes them so lazy and not actually parent and raise their kids?
What do you all think and what are your experiences with this?
At work I see this ALL the time. I've even had some parents tell me that they just give up saying it won't help one bit when the child in question is only 6 or 7 years old! My parents have told me that when they were young, their parents kept them in line by using the belt. My parents rarely used corporal punishment on my sister and me, but we did get grounded and had certain toys and video games taken away when it was called for.
From stories I hear from my friends who are new parents, they don't even do that. Even my girlfriend says the same thing about her younger brother who has no respect for anyone, sneaks out of the house, and smokes weed in the house. What I want to ask is why parents today are so soft? What is it that makes them so lazy and not actually parent and raise their kids?
What do you all think and what are your experiences with this?
U.S. Gov't And Facebook Purges Pro-Gun Accounts
To contact us Click HERE
Paul Joesph Watson - Facebook is purging accounts that carry pro-second amendment and pro-liberty information in a censorship purge that has accelerated over the past few hours, with innumerable pages being disappeared merely for posting legitimate political’s Mike Adams contacted us to alert us to the fact that “Facebook banned our account for posting this,” with an attached image of a Gandhi quote about how the British disarmed the citizenry during their rule in India.
The following is a list of Facebook accounts operated by individuals in the alternative media that have been shut down by Facebook staff over the past 24 hours. Infowars writer Aaron Dykes and political dissident Brandon J. Raub have also had their accounts deleted. Raub was snatched by police and forcibly imprisoned in a psychiatric ward earlier this year for posting political content on Facebook. Infowars editor Kurt Nimmo also had his account suspended this morning.Kurt Nimmo (account suspended)
Aaron Dykes (account inactive)
Amber Lyon (account suspended)
Brandon J. Raub (account inactive)
Michael F Rivero (account inactive)
Anthony J Hilder (account inactive)
William Lewis (account inactive)
Richard Gage (account inactive)
William Rodriguez (account inactive)
Infowar Artist (account inactive)
We are Change (account inactive)
Wacboston At Twitter (account inactive)
Michael Murphy Tmp (account inactive)
Robert M Bowman (account inactive)
Peter Dale Scott (account inactive)
Jason Infowars (account inactive)
Mike Skuthan (account inactive)
Packy Savvenas (account inactive)
Sean Wright (account inactive)
Katherine Albrect (account inactive)It is important to stress that most of these accounts have not simply been temporarily suspended, they have been shut down completely. Some are now being reinstated after complaints. Accounts that have been suspended can still be seen but posting rights have been revoked.A 24 hour suspension was also placed on the Alex Jones Facebook account due to an image that another user had posted in which Alex Jones was tagged.One of the messages being received by users having their accounts suspended is displayed below. In most cases, users are not even being informed of why their page was suspended or deleted, with Facebook merely referring them to the company’s guidelines.
Last week, we reported on how Facebook was suspending user accounts that questioned the official narrative behind the Sandy Hook school massacre.As we have previously highlighted, Facebook occasionally deletes images and posts that it claims violate “Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities,” yet constitute little more than political conjecture or a healthy skepticism of official narratives on current events.In September 2011, Infowars reporter Darrin McBreen was told by Facebook staff not to voice his political opinion on the social networking website.
Responding to comments McBreen had made about off-grid preppers being treated as criminals, the “Facebook Team” wrote, “Be careful making about making political statements on facebook,” adding, “Facebook is about building relationships not a platform for your political viewpoint. Don’t antagonize your base. Be careful and congnizat (sic) of what you are preaching.”
*********************Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
Aaron Dykes (account inactive)
Amber Lyon (account suspended)
Brandon J. Raub (account inactive)
Michael F Rivero (account inactive)
Anthony J Hilder (account inactive)
William Lewis (account inactive)
Richard Gage (account inactive)
William Rodriguez (account inactive)
Infowar Artist (account inactive)
We are Change (account inactive)
Wacboston At Twitter (account inactive)
Michael Murphy Tmp (account inactive)
Robert M Bowman (account inactive)
Peter Dale Scott (account inactive)
Jason Infowars (account inactive)
Mike Skuthan (account inactive)
Packy Savvenas (account inactive)
Sean Wright (account inactive)
Katherine Albrect (account inactive)It is important to stress that most of these accounts have not simply been temporarily suspended, they have been shut down completely. Some are now being reinstated after complaints. Accounts that have been suspended can still be seen but posting rights have been revoked.A 24 hour suspension was also placed on the Alex Jones Facebook account due to an image that another user had posted in which Alex Jones was tagged.One of the messages being received by users having their accounts suspended is displayed below. In most cases, users are not even being informed of why their page was suspended or deleted, with Facebook merely referring them to the company’s guidelines.
Responding to comments McBreen had made about off-grid preppers being treated as criminals, the “Facebook Team” wrote, “Be careful making about making political statements on facebook,” adding, “Facebook is about building relationships not a platform for your political viewpoint. Don’t antagonize your base. Be careful and congnizat (sic) of what you are preaching.”
*********************Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
Welcome To Trader Joe's - Your Neighborhood Grocery Store - Jobs - California - Los Angeles - Store Crew - W. Los Angeles, CA
To contact us Click HERE
Welcome To Trader Joe's - Your Neighborhood Grocery Store - Jobs - California - Los Angeles - Store Crew - W. Los Angeles, CA: If ordinary makes you yawn, then keep reading. Do you have a sense of adventure? Do you like to make people smile? Do you like to eat? We have opportunities that will challenge and excite. Who are we? Trader Joe's, your favorite neighborhood grocery store that originated in Southern California and now operates more than 350 stores (and growing) from coast to coast.
The most important job assignment is delivering a great Customer Experience. Our Crew creates a fun, warm and friendly shopping experience by sharing product knowledge, walking customers to items, answering their questions and offering suggestions.
Everybody does everything.
As part of our Crew, you'll handle a lot. But that's the thing; so does everybody else. What's more, you won't be stuck in one role here. Here are some of the things you can expect to do:
•���������� Work on the register
•���������� Bag some groceries
•���������� Stock the shelves
•���������� Build a display
•���������� Have fun helping customers
The most important job assignment is delivering a great Customer Experience. Our Crew creates a fun, warm and friendly shopping experience by sharing product knowledge, walking customers to items, answering their questions and offering suggestions.
Everybody does everything.
As part of our Crew, you'll handle a lot. But that's the thing; so does everybody else. What's more, you won't be stuck in one role here. Here are some of the things you can expect to do:
•���������� Work on the register
•���������� Bag some groceries
•���������� Stock the shelves
•���������� Build a display
•���������� Have fun helping customers
McDonald's Jobs: Find a Career @ McDonald's - 28th & Figueroa
To contact us Click HERE
McDonald's Jobs: Find a Career @ McDonald's - 28th & Figueroa: Hours: 7:00 pm to 12:00am
Pay: Competitive
Are you a night owl? If you need to be off during the day yet want extra money working nights, our late night shifts are for you! Great as an additional job for extra money or full time to free up your days. Looking for friendly, enthusiastic people who can deliver excellent customer service with a presentable smile. Dependable, hard working individuals should apply now! Must be able to work in a fast paced environment and be a team player. Please no visible tattoos. Reliable work history mandatory. Must be 18 years of age or older to qualify for this position... No exceptions!
Enjoy the Perks
Got what it takes? Then join the team! We offer a long list of good things like: Flexible schedules, training and development programs, advancement opportunities, uniforms, and much more! See Restaurant Manager for details.
Pay: Competitive
Are you a night owl? If you need to be off during the day yet want extra money working nights, our late night shifts are for you! Great as an additional job for extra money or full time to free up your days. Looking for friendly, enthusiastic people who can deliver excellent customer service with a presentable smile. Dependable, hard working individuals should apply now! Must be able to work in a fast paced environment and be a team player. Please no visible tattoos. Reliable work history mandatory. Must be 18 years of age or older to qualify for this position... No exceptions!
Enjoy the Perks
Got what it takes? Then join the team! We offer a long list of good things like: Flexible schedules, training and development programs, advancement opportunities, uniforms, and much more! See Restaurant Manager for details.
'Greece Can Only Solve Its Crisis if It Quits the Euro'
To contact us Click HERE
If you are even slightly interested with the economic crisis in Greece, read this article.
If you are considerate about the nearby future, read this article.
If you need a little push, click here.
One of my favorite points that Sinn makes in his interview:
If I understand interest-bearing loans correctly, don't interest rates encode the risk of default? The idea that a creditor may lend money with trailing interest rates and recollect irregardless of the debtor's ability to pay is irritable. That is the entire notion of risk! Likewise, interest represents the opportunity cost of not investing elsewhere. Why is there an obligation to pay debts that cannot be managed? An entire country turning to austerity mirrors a system of debt bondage, just on a much larger scale. While, yes, the ability to pardon debt too easily could limit growth by turning away investors, a balanced between the creditors and the debtors. I should not be able to go to input debtor into a thesaurus website and see it paired with "delinquent."
Further, what are the negatives to this? What is to become of home mortgages that are held by the Euro? And what of the middle class? They will likely be affected most by the currency shift, and their savings may be exhausted, but what of the austerity period Sinn is predicting? There is also a decent chance that a proportion of the middle class will simply emigrate in search of better opportunities. What shall serve as the backbone of economic revitalization without the pivotal middle class?
If you are considerate about the nearby future, read this article.
If you need a little push, click here.
One of my favorite points that Sinn makes in his interview:
Greece's creditors aren't entitled to have the debt repaid by the international community. Everyone has to earn the standard of living themselves, and those who chose to make money from risk must bear that risk.
If I understand interest-bearing loans correctly, don't interest rates encode the risk of default? The idea that a creditor may lend money with trailing interest rates and recollect irregardless of the debtor's ability to pay is irritable. That is the entire notion of risk! Likewise, interest represents the opportunity cost of not investing elsewhere. Why is there an obligation to pay debts that cannot be managed? An entire country turning to austerity mirrors a system of debt bondage, just on a much larger scale. While, yes, the ability to pardon debt too easily could limit growth by turning away investors, a balanced between the creditors and the debtors. I should not be able to go to input debtor into a thesaurus website and see it paired with "delinquent."
Further, what are the negatives to this? What is to become of home mortgages that are held by the Euro? And what of the middle class? They will likely be affected most by the currency shift, and their savings may be exhausted, but what of the austerity period Sinn is predicting? There is also a decent chance that a proportion of the middle class will simply emigrate in search of better opportunities. What shall serve as the backbone of economic revitalization without the pivotal middle class?
19 Şubat 2013 Salı
Are today's parents too lazy?
To contact us Click HERE
One of the things I've been noticing over the last few years is that when out in public at Wal Mart, a restaurant, or whatever, most kids seem to be out of control. My parents sometimes remark to my sister and me saying "Oh, if you had done such-and-such when you were that young, we wouldn't take you out" or "we would have punished you on the spot." I'm not talking about simple kid stuff such as constant whining or being full of energy, but things like talking back, running off, and throwing tantrums while parents just ignore it.
At work I see this ALL the time. I've even had some parents tell me that they just give up saying it won't help one bit when the child in question is only 6 or 7 years old! My parents have told me that when they were young, their parents kept them in line by using the belt. My parents rarely used corporal punishment on my sister and me, but we did get grounded and had certain toys and video games taken away when it was called for.
From stories I hear from my friends who are new parents, they don't even do that. Even my girlfriend says the same thing about her younger brother who has no respect for anyone, sneaks out of the house, and smokes weed in the house. What I want to ask is why parents today are so soft? What is it that makes them so lazy and not actually parent and raise their kids?
What do you all think and what are your experiences with this?
At work I see this ALL the time. I've even had some parents tell me that they just give up saying it won't help one bit when the child in question is only 6 or 7 years old! My parents have told me that when they were young, their parents kept them in line by using the belt. My parents rarely used corporal punishment on my sister and me, but we did get grounded and had certain toys and video games taken away when it was called for.
From stories I hear from my friends who are new parents, they don't even do that. Even my girlfriend says the same thing about her younger brother who has no respect for anyone, sneaks out of the house, and smokes weed in the house. What I want to ask is why parents today are so soft? What is it that makes them so lazy and not actually parent and raise their kids?
What do you all think and what are your experiences with this?
Welcome To Trader Joe's - Your Neighborhood Grocery Store - Jobs - California - Los Angeles - Store Crew - W. Los Angeles, CA
To contact us Click HERE
Welcome To Trader Joe's - Your Neighborhood Grocery Store - Jobs - California - Los Angeles - Store Crew - W. Los Angeles, CA: If ordinary makes you yawn, then keep reading. Do you have a sense of adventure? Do you like to make people smile? Do you like to eat? We have opportunities that will challenge and excite. Who are we? Trader Joe's, your favorite neighborhood grocery store that originated in Southern California and now operates more than 350 stores (and growing) from coast to coast.
The most important job assignment is delivering a great Customer Experience. Our Crew creates a fun, warm and friendly shopping experience by sharing product knowledge, walking customers to items, answering their questions and offering suggestions.
Everybody does everything.
As part of our Crew, you'll handle a lot. But that's the thing; so does everybody else. What's more, you won't be stuck in one role here. Here are some of the things you can expect to do:
•���������� Work on the register
•���������� Bag some groceries
•���������� Stock the shelves
•���������� Build a display
•���������� Have fun helping customers
The most important job assignment is delivering a great Customer Experience. Our Crew creates a fun, warm and friendly shopping experience by sharing product knowledge, walking customers to items, answering their questions and offering suggestions.
Everybody does everything.
As part of our Crew, you'll handle a lot. But that's the thing; so does everybody else. What's more, you won't be stuck in one role here. Here are some of the things you can expect to do:
•���������� Work on the register
•���������� Bag some groceries
•���������� Stock the shelves
•���������� Build a display
•���������� Have fun helping customers
McDonald's Jobs: Find a Career @ McDonald's - 28th & Figueroa
To contact us Click HERE
McDonald's Jobs: Find a Career @ McDonald's - 28th & Figueroa: Hours: 7:00 pm to 12:00am
Pay: Competitive
Are you a night owl? If you need to be off during the day yet want extra money working nights, our late night shifts are for you! Great as an additional job for extra money or full time to free up your days. Looking for friendly, enthusiastic people who can deliver excellent customer service with a presentable smile. Dependable, hard working individuals should apply now! Must be able to work in a fast paced environment and be a team player. Please no visible tattoos. Reliable work history mandatory. Must be 18 years of age or older to qualify for this position... No exceptions!
Enjoy the Perks
Got what it takes? Then join the team! We offer a long list of good things like: Flexible schedules, training and development programs, advancement opportunities, uniforms, and much more! See Restaurant Manager for details.
Pay: Competitive
Are you a night owl? If you need to be off during the day yet want extra money working nights, our late night shifts are for you! Great as an additional job for extra money or full time to free up your days. Looking for friendly, enthusiastic people who can deliver excellent customer service with a presentable smile. Dependable, hard working individuals should apply now! Must be able to work in a fast paced environment and be a team player. Please no visible tattoos. Reliable work history mandatory. Must be 18 years of age or older to qualify for this position... No exceptions!
Enjoy the Perks
Got what it takes? Then join the team! We offer a long list of good things like: Flexible schedules, training and development programs, advancement opportunities, uniforms, and much more! See Restaurant Manager for details.
'Greece Can Only Solve Its Crisis if It Quits the Euro'
To contact us Click HERE
If you are even slightly interested with the economic crisis in Greece, read this article.
If you are considerate about the nearby future, read this article.
If you need a little push, click here.
One of my favorite points that Sinn makes in his interview:
If I understand interest-bearing loans correctly, don't interest rates encode the risk of default? The idea that a creditor may lend money with trailing interest rates and recollect irregardless of the debtor's ability to pay is irritable. That is the entire notion of risk! Likewise, interest represents the opportunity cost of not investing elsewhere. Why is there an obligation to pay debts that cannot be managed? An entire country turning to austerity mirrors a system of debt bondage, just on a much larger scale. While, yes, the ability to pardon debt too easily could limit growth by turning away investors, a balanced between the creditors and the debtors. I should not be able to go to input debtor into a thesaurus website and see it paired with "delinquent."
Further, what are the negatives to this? What is to become of home mortgages that are held by the Euro? And what of the middle class? They will likely be affected most by the currency shift, and their savings may be exhausted, but what of the austerity period Sinn is predicting? There is also a decent chance that a proportion of the middle class will simply emigrate in search of better opportunities. What shall serve as the backbone of economic revitalization without the pivotal middle class?
If you are considerate about the nearby future, read this article.
If you need a little push, click here.
One of my favorite points that Sinn makes in his interview:
Greece's creditors aren't entitled to have the debt repaid by the international community. Everyone has to earn the standard of living themselves, and those who chose to make money from risk must bear that risk.
If I understand interest-bearing loans correctly, don't interest rates encode the risk of default? The idea that a creditor may lend money with trailing interest rates and recollect irregardless of the debtor's ability to pay is irritable. That is the entire notion of risk! Likewise, interest represents the opportunity cost of not investing elsewhere. Why is there an obligation to pay debts that cannot be managed? An entire country turning to austerity mirrors a system of debt bondage, just on a much larger scale. While, yes, the ability to pardon debt too easily could limit growth by turning away investors, a balanced between the creditors and the debtors. I should not be able to go to input debtor into a thesaurus website and see it paired with "delinquent."
Further, what are the negatives to this? What is to become of home mortgages that are held by the Euro? And what of the middle class? They will likely be affected most by the currency shift, and their savings may be exhausted, but what of the austerity period Sinn is predicting? There is also a decent chance that a proportion of the middle class will simply emigrate in search of better opportunities. What shall serve as the backbone of economic revitalization without the pivotal middle class?
U.S. Gov't And Facebook Purges Pro-Gun Accounts
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Paul Joesph Watson - Facebook is purging accounts that carry pro-second amendment and pro-liberty information in a censorship purge that has accelerated over the past few hours, with innumerable pages being disappeared merely for posting legitimate political’s Mike Adams contacted us to alert us to the fact that “Facebook banned our account for posting this,” with an attached image of a Gandhi quote about how the British disarmed the citizenry during their rule in India.
The following is a list of Facebook accounts operated by individuals in the alternative media that have been shut down by Facebook staff over the past 24 hours. Infowars writer Aaron Dykes and political dissident Brandon J. Raub have also had their accounts deleted. Raub was snatched by police and forcibly imprisoned in a psychiatric ward earlier this year for posting political content on Facebook. Infowars editor Kurt Nimmo also had his account suspended this morning.Kurt Nimmo (account suspended)
Aaron Dykes (account inactive)
Amber Lyon (account suspended)
Brandon J. Raub (account inactive)
Michael F Rivero (account inactive)
Anthony J Hilder (account inactive)
William Lewis (account inactive)
Richard Gage (account inactive)
William Rodriguez (account inactive)
Infowar Artist (account inactive)
We are Change (account inactive)
Wacboston At Twitter (account inactive)
Michael Murphy Tmp (account inactive)
Robert M Bowman (account inactive)
Peter Dale Scott (account inactive)
Jason Infowars (account inactive)
Mike Skuthan (account inactive)
Packy Savvenas (account inactive)
Sean Wright (account inactive)
Katherine Albrect (account inactive)It is important to stress that most of these accounts have not simply been temporarily suspended, they have been shut down completely. Some are now being reinstated after complaints. Accounts that have been suspended can still be seen but posting rights have been revoked.A 24 hour suspension was also placed on the Alex Jones Facebook account due to an image that another user had posted in which Alex Jones was tagged.One of the messages being received by users having their accounts suspended is displayed below. In most cases, users are not even being informed of why their page was suspended or deleted, with Facebook merely referring them to the company’s guidelines.
Last week, we reported on how Facebook was suspending user accounts that questioned the official narrative behind the Sandy Hook school massacre.As we have previously highlighted, Facebook occasionally deletes images and posts that it claims violate “Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities,” yet constitute little more than political conjecture or a healthy skepticism of official narratives on current events.In September 2011, Infowars reporter Darrin McBreen was told by Facebook staff not to voice his political opinion on the social networking website.
Responding to comments McBreen had made about off-grid preppers being treated as criminals, the “Facebook Team” wrote, “Be careful making about making political statements on facebook,” adding, “Facebook is about building relationships not a platform for your political viewpoint. Don’t antagonize your base. Be careful and congnizat (sic) of what you are preaching.”
*********************Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
Aaron Dykes (account inactive)
Amber Lyon (account suspended)
Brandon J. Raub (account inactive)
Michael F Rivero (account inactive)
Anthony J Hilder (account inactive)
William Lewis (account inactive)
Richard Gage (account inactive)
William Rodriguez (account inactive)
Infowar Artist (account inactive)
We are Change (account inactive)
Wacboston At Twitter (account inactive)
Michael Murphy Tmp (account inactive)
Robert M Bowman (account inactive)
Peter Dale Scott (account inactive)
Jason Infowars (account inactive)
Mike Skuthan (account inactive)
Packy Savvenas (account inactive)
Sean Wright (account inactive)
Katherine Albrect (account inactive)It is important to stress that most of these accounts have not simply been temporarily suspended, they have been shut down completely. Some are now being reinstated after complaints. Accounts that have been suspended can still be seen but posting rights have been revoked.A 24 hour suspension was also placed on the Alex Jones Facebook account due to an image that another user had posted in which Alex Jones was tagged.One of the messages being received by users having their accounts suspended is displayed below. In most cases, users are not even being informed of why their page was suspended or deleted, with Facebook merely referring them to the company’s guidelines.
Responding to comments McBreen had made about off-grid preppers being treated as criminals, the “Facebook Team” wrote, “Be careful making about making political statements on facebook,” adding, “Facebook is about building relationships not a platform for your political viewpoint. Don’t antagonize your base. Be careful and congnizat (sic) of what you are preaching.”
*********************Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.
18 Şubat 2013 Pazartesi
Gun Shops Report Shortages On Ammountion
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(Photo: John Rawlston, AP)
Prices have more than doubled over past year in some shops, retailers are putting limits on the amount a customer can buy, and some common types of ammunition, such as .22-caliber long rifle shells, are hard to get.
The National Shooting Sports Foundation, which represents ammunition makers, retailers, hunters and sport shooters, attributes what it calls "spot shortages" around the country to rising popularity of sport-shooting and hunting, and to people who are "keeping firearms for personal and home defense."
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in December reported recently that hunting license sales were up 9% from 2006 to 2011, reversing a 25-year decline. Michael Hampton, Jr., executive director of the National Skeet Shooting Association and the National Sporting Clays Association, says participation in those sports, which includes up to 4 million participants in each sport, is growing 3-5% annually.
But retailers say much of the demand is from gun owners who are stockpiling in case certain weapons are banned, who believe that economic chaos may be coming, or who are driven by rumors of inevitable background checks or rising taxes on ammunition. Gun sellers and owners say a run on ammunition began shortly after President Obama was re-elected, and has intensified in the gun-violence debate since the December mass killing of 20 children and six adults at a school in Newtown, Conn.
"We absolutely are in uncharted territory," said Larry Hyatt, of the family-owned Hyatt Gun Shop in Charlotte, N.C.. "Our store is 53 years old, and we have never seen anything like this. We have had some spot shortages and busy gun times in the past. This is a level (of demand) never before seen."
He adds: "The political turmoil is intensifying it. People feel like this administration is very anti-gun, and they are going for the legal gun owner." Among the rumors he hears, he says, are that taxes on ammunition are going up and that background checks for ammunition purchases are coming.
"Whether true or not, this information is out there, and people are getting it while they can," Hyatt says.
He is limiting sales of .22-caliber to one box, and is running low on everything from holsters to cleaning brushes.
Mike Wastler, manager of Bart's Sports World in Glen Burnie, Md., says he is also having trouble getting guns and ammunition from manufacturers who are "producing 24/7."
He says that even before Obama's re-election there was rising demand from people worried about economic chaos. Sales "went crazy" after Obama proposed banning assault weapons, he says
Wastler says certain types of .22 shells are "non-existent" in his store, and that others, like 9 mm, and .40 and .45 caliber are "very, very short." So are replacements parts for guns, he says.
A Rock River Arms AR-15 rifle is shown with ammunition in Miami. Both the semi-automatic rife and ammo have become hard to find.(Photo: Joe Raedle, Getty Images)While there are proposals to ban assault weapons, outlaw certain types of armor-piercing bullets, restrict the number of rounds in magazines for some guns, and end online ammunition sales, Obama and leading anti-gun violence proponents on Capitol Hill have not proposed background checks for ammunition, or restricting the amount of sales.
The White House would not comment on the ammunition shortage, but Obama has asserted he is not out to infringe on Second Amendment rights.
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y., has introduced legislation that would effectively ban online sales of ammunition, would require ammunition sellers to have a license, and to report to federal authorities the sale of more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition to a single person. But McCarthy also says on her web site that protecting the Second Amendment right to bear arms for legal gun owners is one of her top priorities.
Her spokesman, Shams Tarek, says gun-rights advocates "are putting out this fear that people are trying to take away their guns, put really onerous restrictions on them, when that is not the case."
The run on ammunition comes amid Internet discussion about recent purchases of ammunition by the Department of Homeland Security and Social Security Administration.
Homeland Security solicited bids for up to 1.1 billion rounds of ammunition for over the next five years, but agency spokesman Marsha Catron says purchases may not run that high, and that most of it would go to required training for about 130,000 armed federal agents in various agencies. The DHS ammunition purchases have been steady since 2009.
Last year, after the Social Security Administration solicited bids for 174,000 rounds of .357 ammunition, the agency got so many questions from the public about why it needed that powerful of a bullet that its inspector general's office put out a statement explaining why.
The Social Security Administration has 295 armed agents that protect offices around the country, and that ammunition is standard issue for the arms they carry on the job, the agency said.
"Our special agents need to be armed and trained appropriately," read the Social Security statement. "They not only investigate allegations of Social Security fraud, but they also are called to respond to threats against Social Security offices, employees and customers."
Bid winner for the Homeland Security ammunition was ATK Armament Systems, a division of Alliant Technosystems Inc., and a major supplier of guns and ammunition for the military.
According to a IBISWorld, a market analyst, ATK Armament is expected to post a 10% increase in revenue, to $1.7 billion, in 2013.
"While most Americans have cut back on their purchases of cars, clothing and other luxuries … gun enthusiasts are working themselves into a frenzy over what another four years under the Obama administration may hold for gun laws,'' IBISWorld reported in October. "As a result, they are purchasing firearms and ammunition at record rates.''
Greg Pacholczyk, who shoots everything from pistols to the AR-15 that the Obama administration wants to ban, says he is not in a frenzy, but that if he is in a store that carries ammunition, he looks to buy. The Marriottsville, Md., resident says AR-15 semi-automatic rifles are very hard to find for purchase, and that ammunition for it is hard to find, too.
"Gun replacement parts — if you have to find something as simple as a firing pin for an AR-15," it is very difficult, he says. "You read on the blogs people are practically giving away their first born for a little piece of metal."
Story Highlights
- Fears over gun control are driving demand
- Federal government is also a huge buyer of ammo
- Prices have more than doubled over past year in some shops
Prices have more than doubled over past year in some shops, retailers are putting limits on the amount a customer can buy, and some common types of ammunition, such as .22-caliber long rifle shells, are hard to get.
The National Shooting Sports Foundation, which represents ammunition makers, retailers, hunters and sport shooters, attributes what it calls "spot shortages" around the country to rising popularity of sport-shooting and hunting, and to people who are "keeping firearms for personal and home defense."
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in December reported recently that hunting license sales were up 9% from 2006 to 2011, reversing a 25-year decline. Michael Hampton, Jr., executive director of the National Skeet Shooting Association and the National Sporting Clays Association, says participation in those sports, which includes up to 4 million participants in each sport, is growing 3-5% annually.
But retailers say much of the demand is from gun owners who are stockpiling in case certain weapons are banned, who believe that economic chaos may be coming, or who are driven by rumors of inevitable background checks or rising taxes on ammunition. Gun sellers and owners say a run on ammunition began shortly after President Obama was re-elected, and has intensified in the gun-violence debate since the December mass killing of 20 children and six adults at a school in Newtown, Conn.
"We absolutely are in uncharted territory," said Larry Hyatt, of the family-owned Hyatt Gun Shop in Charlotte, N.C.. "Our store is 53 years old, and we have never seen anything like this. We have had some spot shortages and busy gun times in the past. This is a level (of demand) never before seen."
He adds: "The political turmoil is intensifying it. People feel like this administration is very anti-gun, and they are going for the legal gun owner." Among the rumors he hears, he says, are that taxes on ammunition are going up and that background checks for ammunition purchases are coming.
"Whether true or not, this information is out there, and people are getting it while they can," Hyatt says.
He is limiting sales of .22-caliber to one box, and is running low on everything from holsters to cleaning brushes.
Mike Wastler, manager of Bart's Sports World in Glen Burnie, Md., says he is also having trouble getting guns and ammunition from manufacturers who are "producing 24/7."
He says that even before Obama's re-election there was rising demand from people worried about economic chaos. Sales "went crazy" after Obama proposed banning assault weapons, he says
Wastler says certain types of .22 shells are "non-existent" in his store, and that others, like 9 mm, and .40 and .45 caliber are "very, very short." So are replacements parts for guns, he says.
The White House would not comment on the ammunition shortage, but Obama has asserted he is not out to infringe on Second Amendment rights.
Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y., has introduced legislation that would effectively ban online sales of ammunition, would require ammunition sellers to have a license, and to report to federal authorities the sale of more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition to a single person. But McCarthy also says on her web site that protecting the Second Amendment right to bear arms for legal gun owners is one of her top priorities.
Her spokesman, Shams Tarek, says gun-rights advocates "are putting out this fear that people are trying to take away their guns, put really onerous restrictions on them, when that is not the case."
The run on ammunition comes amid Internet discussion about recent purchases of ammunition by the Department of Homeland Security and Social Security Administration.
Homeland Security solicited bids for up to 1.1 billion rounds of ammunition for over the next five years, but agency spokesman Marsha Catron says purchases may not run that high, and that most of it would go to required training for about 130,000 armed federal agents in various agencies. The DHS ammunition purchases have been steady since 2009.
Last year, after the Social Security Administration solicited bids for 174,000 rounds of .357 ammunition, the agency got so many questions from the public about why it needed that powerful of a bullet that its inspector general's office put out a statement explaining why.
The Social Security Administration has 295 armed agents that protect offices around the country, and that ammunition is standard issue for the arms they carry on the job, the agency said.
"Our special agents need to be armed and trained appropriately," read the Social Security statement. "They not only investigate allegations of Social Security fraud, but they also are called to respond to threats against Social Security offices, employees and customers."
Bid winner for the Homeland Security ammunition was ATK Armament Systems, a division of Alliant Technosystems Inc., and a major supplier of guns and ammunition for the military.
According to a IBISWorld, a market analyst, ATK Armament is expected to post a 10% increase in revenue, to $1.7 billion, in 2013.
"While most Americans have cut back on their purchases of cars, clothing and other luxuries … gun enthusiasts are working themselves into a frenzy over what another four years under the Obama administration may hold for gun laws,'' IBISWorld reported in October. "As a result, they are purchasing firearms and ammunition at record rates.''
Greg Pacholczyk, who shoots everything from pistols to the AR-15 that the Obama administration wants to ban, says he is not in a frenzy, but that if he is in a store that carries ammunition, he looks to buy. The Marriottsville, Md., resident says AR-15 semi-automatic rifles are very hard to find for purchase, and that ammunition for it is hard to find, too.
"Gun replacement parts — if you have to find something as simple as a firing pin for an AR-15," it is very difficult, he says. "You read on the blogs people are practically giving away their first born for a little piece of metal."
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